Thursday, January 28, 2010

A light at the end of the tunnel

Well, long time no post, eh? I guess the benefit of not working in front of a computer all day is that ... I don't work in front of a computer all day.

So, I'm now into week 10/11 and I'm finally starting to think that maybe pregnancy isn't a contraption of the devil. Starting Tuesday or so, food has slowly started to taste the way it's supposed to. So far, it's like there's been a film on my mouth that makes food taste ... strange and bland. But yesterday I had some cereal and I couldn't believe that it tasted ... good! And how it's supposed to! My nausea is finally starting to wane too. It's definitely still around in the morning and right before bed, but it's manageable!

I'm now determined to try and eat healthy again (a shame our house is full of junk food right now, ugh). I've been noticing my body ballooning a little. I'm sure a lot of it is just fluids and bloating, but I know all that ice cream and carbs have not been going straight to baby. So this morning I had ... (drumroll please) ... OATMEAL!! My sweet, nurturing lover. Granted, I made the pre-packaged kind and not stove-top, but I made it and it was good.

In other news, I now own 3 maternity clothing items, courtesy of Kevin's mother. In fact, I'm wearing a maternity shirt today!! ... Okay, so it looks kinda silly on my cuz Im swimming in it, but its still pretty exciting. And, I have an official appointment on Feb 1st to "confirm my pregnancy". Exciting!!! I tried to find out if they'd be doing an ultrasound, but the lady was not cooperative. But at 10/11 weeks, I'll be able to hear my baby's heartbeat and everything. I think this appointment will really make this 'real' for me. It's a little scary, but I'm staying positive.

Well, now that I'm working at a gym, I guess I should start looking .. um, fit! Amanda and I are walking today and doing kegels! (not as weird to do with someone else as I initially thought). Ta ta!

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