Hello, blog world. I feel like I neglect to update, but it doesnt seem like much is going on it baby world. I guess I'm (im)patiently waiting for my next U/S on April 5th.
I'm growing slowly every day, but it seems to be taking forever! It seems like most people would want to stay "normal" for as long as possible, but Im excited to have a for-real baby bump! I'm envious of those that started out skinny, so the bump is really obvious! Anyway.
The bump is strange, like a pressure, but I like it. Im getting some 'round ligament pain' every once in awhile, nothing too bad! Most of the obvious changes are my (sorry, this is a TMI blog!) breasts. Of course they got heavier, bigger, but one thing Ive noticed most is that the shape of the nipple itself has changed! I like it, it makes me feel like Im preparing, haha. And the ducts are formed, or whatever you want to call them. Other than that, Ive just been breaking out a lot more!
So after a weekend in Galveston with Kevin's family, I decided I needed to stop being so lazy with my health. The weather, and the fact that I can't work out like I used to, has kept me from really focusing on staying healthy. I eat pretty good, but I still dont really like food. Nothing appeals to me besides string cheese and popcorn, haha. But just because Ive still got my food aversions doesnt mean I cant eat really good, and make meals! So today I went to the store and got stuff for crock-pot meals. I'm gonna cook on Sunday or Monday, and keep enough for the week, so we can eat healthy without as much effort. Im gonna also make some home-made granola bars, and start recording my food again. I feel like Im not eating enough! I'm only gained 3 lbs so far, which is good.
The second step is creating workouts every day, and not just winging it! Im gonna keep up with my cardio, but Im gonna start creating strength workouts too. And doing kegels TWICE A DAY!!! I feel motivated. I want my baby to be healthy, and I want to be in good shape to lose the baby weight afterwards!
So, thats pretty much it! Kevin and I are going to a wedding back in San Diego in late May, and Ill be about 28 weeks, 7 months! Im excited because Ill surely have a nice bump by then for everyone to see.