I'm not much of a believer in fate, but I can't help and appreciate some of the circumstances surrounding my pregnancy. In a week, I'll be leaving my crummy job to start working at my local gym. The owners, Jason and Amanda, have become good friends, and knowing I want to be a personal trainer, are eager to sign me up.
Oh, by the way, Amanda is pregnant too. She's actually about 2 months ahead of me, but having a confidant has been one of the best resources I could ever ask for. It's hard to describe the symptoms to someone that hasn't experienced them without feeling lame, and having someone to validate my problems helps me not feel like such a whiner. As lovers of oatmeal, we both mourned losing the ability to eat it during the first trimester. We complained about the lack of fruits or vegetables in our diet, and poked our bloated bits from the excess salt.
Anyway, not only has Amanda afforded me a person to vent to, we've also become workout buddies. She approached me with the idea, and I thought it was great. We both have the same restrictions, and our fitness levels are pretty similar. Mondays and Wednesdays we do regular full-body workouts in the gym (Wed will be at the track once the weather gets better). Fridays we do an hour of yoga. During all the time, we've chatted about everything under the sun.
I just appreciate the fact that I'm going through this with someone else at the same time. She knew about my miscarriage, and all during this pregnancy, has said "Just don't worry. Let it happen, because it's going to do what it's going to do." That's been great advice. Stressing about every little detail on top of my exhaustion and poor diet just doesn't work for me.
Yesterday, Amanda loaned me these wristbands with little buttons on them. You wear them so the buttons press into your wrists, and are meant to help with nausea. I wore them yesterday, but I was eager to see how they'd work out in the morning, when its the worst. Before I even got up I put them on precisely as directed, and went about my morning routine. No nausea! But I realized that its not that simple. There's a layering effect, and below the nausea is this undercurrent. An unsettling feeling in my tummy, as if it's saying "Hey, I might not be tickling your gag reflex, but just you TRY and eat a banana." Below THAT is the stubborn food aversion. But I was so happy not to be almost blowing chunks that I made a bowl of cheerios, soymilk and a little bit of peanut butter.
I got about 3 spoonfuls before I had to push it aside. I was so glad to not be nauseous, but I realized it's not the nausea that keeps me from eating how I want to. So I ate a handful of Saltines and drank some water.
Tomorrow Kevin and I are taking the day off, so I'll start my day with yoga at the gym with Amanda, and then I'm determined to eat something healthy. We're going to the Yogurt Spot, a self-serve frozen yogurt bar with hundreds of toppings. Healthy toppings. Wish me luck!
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