Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gender Predictor

Things have been going really well lately, and most of my fears have subsided. At my OB appointment last week, I got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, and the most exciting has sometimes been feeling the baby kick and move around!!! Its impossible to describe, but its amazing to experience. When the baby rolls or turns, it kind of feels like when your stomach drops out on a roller coaster, but on a smaller scale!

I still sometimes have moments of panic, but things have been smooth. Im in the "honeymoon" phase, and I mostly have heartburn and some back pain. But Im keeping up with my exercising, and eating healthy! I'm lucky to have such a helpful husband! He stays awake in the middle of the night when I have to pee, cuz I usually have bad dreams (thanks, pregnancy!), and get scared of the dark. Silly, I know, but its a big comfort.

So I have my next ultrasound in 5 days, and that's the day we get to find out the sex! As you can imagine, this has been the longest week of MY LIFE! So to pass the time, I decided to look at a few old wive's tales and gender predictors to see what the fates think it is!

Baby's Heart Rate - 140bpm = GIRL

Carrying the extra weight around the hips and bottom = GIRL.

Hair on legs is not growing any faster = GIRL

Carrying the baby low = BOY

Kevin's Birthday + My Birthday + Month/Year of conception = BOY

Feet are not colder than they were before pregnancy = GIRL

Kevin hasn't been gaining = GIRL
Morning Sickness early on = GIRL

Darkening of aereolas = BOY

Dramatic Chest Size Increase = GIRL

26 (age) + 11 (month of conception = 37 (odd number) = GIRL

Craving salty foods = BOY

Acne during pregnancy = GIRL

When asked to show hands, I show palms up = GIRL

Headaches during pregnancy = BOY

Development of red highlights in hair = GIRL (Ive never seen this myth until today, but I mention it because just on Sunday, Kevin and my friend Nikki were commenting on how reddish the tone of my hair is in the sunlight!)

Well, if the old wives have anything to say about it, we're going to have a girl!! Let's hope so!